Theodore M Hughes Captain enlisted
at age 25 Mar 25th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
James M. Thompson 1st Lt enlisted at age 21 Dec 16th 1863 Promoted from Private Co. B 23rd O.V.I. Mar 29th 1865 Mustered out with
Comapany 9/11/1865
Eli Ohls 2Lt. enlisted at age 20 Mar 25th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Orlin B Lesky 1st Sgt
enlisted at age 21 Feb 21st 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Ezra Ellis Sgt enlisted at age 22 Jan 27th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Thomas Purdy Sgt enlisted at age 29 Mar 21st 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Milo G Heath Sgt enlisted at age 19 Feb 23rd 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Harland P Walters Sgt
enlisted at age 19 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Edgar O Miller Sgt enlisted at age 19 Feb 3rd 1865 Promoted to Sgt Major July 18th 1865
Elijah Aruacost Cpl enlisted at age 35 Jan 24th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Alonzo Judd Cpl enlisted at age 24 Jan 23rd 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
George W Camery Cpl enlisted
at age 18 Jan 24th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
William Lamar Cpl enlisted
at age 18 Mar 21st 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Milton P Kennedy Cpl enlisted at age 18 Feb 14th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Benjamine Root Cpl enlisted at age 20 Feb 14th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Ambrose Norton Cpl enlisted
at age 31 Feb 14th 1865 Feb 14th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
James F Out Cpl enlisted
at age 28 Feb 14th 1865 Mustered out May 15th 1865 at Cumberland, Md. by order of War Dept
Micheal Webber Cpl enlisted
at age 22 Jan 23rd 1865
Reuben B Knapp Cpl enlisted at age 35 Feb 14th 1865 Died Apr 16th 1865 at Columbus, Ohio
Samuel A Mars Musc enlisted at age 43 Mar 1st 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Elijah A Pierce Musc enlisted at age 18 Feb 6th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Alderman, Baccus G. enlisted at age 26 Feb 24th 1865
Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865

Almond M Allyn |
Allen, Almond M. enlisted at age 18 Feb 10th
1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Almond's granddaughter wrote in a family history:
"...When Almond was a very short and rather frail teenager, he enlisted in the Ohio Infantry at the age of nineteen to
fight for the North and the freedom of slaves. He had become accustomed to sharing the family cellar, the woodshed, the barn
and any other hiding place with runaway slaves as they struggled north. He enrolled at Morgan, Ohio, on February 10 and was
mustered in at Warren, Ohio on Valentine's Day, 1865, as a private on Company K of the 196th Volunteer Infantry. The record
states that the boy was only five-foot three, with gray eyes and brown hair. I doubt if he even weighted half as much as a
yearling calf. Due to his slight physique, Almond had been inducted as a drummer boy for his unit.
Pvt. Almond Allyn was mustered out seven months later in September with an Honorable discharge at Baltimore, Maryland.
His record states: 'Totally disabled from the performance of manual labor by reason of disability while in line of duty, by
disease." The record doesn't reveal the nature of his disease.' " this info courtesy of Private Allyn's great grand daughter
Janet Jonhson
Amiss, Theodore J. enlisted at age 20 Jan 28th
1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Baker, Charles
Baker, John E. Enlisted at age 18 Mar 4th 1865

Mortimer A Baldwin |
Baldwin, Mortimer A. enlisted at age 18 Feb 3rd
1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Barnes, Francis enlisted at age 42 Mar 2nd 1865
Barnes, Frank E. enlisted at age 16 Mar 24th
1865 Died May 8th 1865 at Camp Dennison, Ohio
Bayles, Alonzo enlisted at age 18 Jan 24th 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865

James A Benjamin |
Benjamin, James A. enlisted at age 20 Jan 25th
1865 Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Bolster, George W. enlisted at age 23 Feb 25th
1865 Mustered out at Baltimore Aug 14th 1865
Burback, John E. enlisted at age 35 Feb 24th
1865 Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865

Ira Cadwallader |
Cadwallader, Ira enlisted at age 18 Mar 11th
1865 Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Carr, George enlisted at age 33 Feb 11th 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Clark, Henry enlisted at age 19 Jan 24th 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Clough, David S. enlisted at age 18 Mar 11th
1865 Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Clover, Myron F. enlisted at age 25 Feb 21st
1865 Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Colburn, Nathan enlisteed at age 17 Mar 4th 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865

Andrew Coy |
Coy, Andrew enlisted at age 37 Feb 10th 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Cutler, Francis M. enlisted at age 20 Feb 12th 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/65
Demaris, Alexander W. enlisted at age 21 Jan 24th Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Demaris, Elijah S. enlisted at age 24 Mar 21st 1865
Mustered out May 16th 1865 at Baltimore
Dickson, James O. enlisted at age 22 Mar 4th 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Draper, Henry C. enlisted at age 21 Feb 2nd 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Earl, George A enlisted at age 26 Mar 7th 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Edwards, Andrew J.
Ehrhart, William
Erskine, William T. enlisted at age 34 Feb 28th 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Farnsworth, Oliver D. enlisted at age 29 Feb 10th 1865
Mustered out May 31st 1865 at Cleveland by order of War Dept
Finley, Thomas enlisted at age 29 Mar 7th 1865
Fisher, Samuel P. enlisted at age 44 Feb 14th 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Frazier, Henry enlisted at age 18 Feb 22nd 1865 Mustered
out May 21st 1865 at Grafton, W.V. by order of War Dept.
Gates, Charles James enlisted at age 18 Mar 1st 1865 Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865; GATES who may have lived
in Ohio in the mid-1800s (perhaps Clermont county) and who may have raised at least one of his grandchildren named Charles
GATES. Charles was born in Clermont county in 1847 & served in the 196th Ohio Infantry in the Civil War. Charles wrote
that his grandparent(s)had died about 1879.
Gilham, John T. enlisted at 28 Mar 1st 1865 Mustered
out June 2nd 1865 at Washington D.C.
Gossert, Cyrus enlisted at age 20 Mar 11th 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Hahnesaird, Bernhard enlisted at age 22 Feb 1st 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Heminger, Samuel enlisted at age 18 Jan 16th 1865 Sick
Mar 29th 1865 at Camp Chase, Ohio, No further record
Judd, Samuel R. enlisted at age 27 Jan 31st 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Kelch, Maxwell enlisted at age 19 Jan 24th 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Kennedy, William H. enlisted at age 18 Feb 1st 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Kent, Alonzo D. enlisted at age 21 MAR 4TH 1865 1865enlisted
at age 21 Jan 24th Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Linthicum, William A. enlisted at age 40 Jan 23rd 1865
Lively, Lewis enlisted at age 18 Jan 21st 1865 Mustered
out June 21st 1865 AT Columbus, Ohio by order of War Dept
Lockwood, Winfield S. enlisted at age 18 Feb 24th 1865 Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865; Youngstown Vindicator,
Friday, March 24, 1933, pg. 14 DEATH TAKES W.S. LOCKWOOD, NILES CIVIL WAR VETERAN Niles, March 24.--Winfield Scott Lockwood,
aged 84, one of the youngest Civil War veterans in the state, died of infirmities of advanced age at 1:30 a.m. Friday at his
home, 924 N. Main St. Mr. Lockwood suffered a paralytic stroke last June, and had been an invalid since that time. He was
born in Niles Sept. 15, 1849, a son of Ira and Elizabeth Bishop Lockwood, pioneer residents of the Mahoning Valley. Mr. Lockwood
had spent his entire life in Niles. Too young to enlist at the outbreak of the Civil War, with two older brothers he answered
the call to the colors at Warren when he was but 15 years of age, enlisting in Company K, 196th Regiment, O.V.I. He served
under Captain Theodore M. Hughes, and was not yet 16 when he received his discharge at Baltimore, Md., on Sept. 11, 1865.
Completing his service, he returned to Niles, where he followed his trade as a contractor. He had been retired a number of
years. He married Miss Catherine Rook of Pennsylvania, and on Sept. 21 the venerable pair celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary.
The couple resided in their present home for 48 years, and had probably been married longer than any other couple in Niles.
Mrs. Lockwood is 80 years old. Of the 10 children born to the union, all are living. In addition to his wife and children,
Mr. Lockwood is survived by 23 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. He also leaves a brother, Edgar, also a Civil War
veteran, and a sister, Mrs. Julia Carlton, of Ashtabula. The other brother who was a veteran, Theodore, died several years
ago. The ten children are Jessie Lockwood, Mrs. Edward R. Grubbs, Mrs. Harry Price, Mrs. Arthur R. Nicholas, Mrs. D.F. Williams,
Mrs. Ray Bailey, Mrs. Charles Hurst, and Edgar G. Lockwood of Niles, James of Cleveland and Mrs. Edward Teidy of Canonsburg,
Pa. Mr. Lockwood was the "baby veteran" of McPherson Post, G.A.R. His death leaves the Post membership, once more than 180,
with only six veterans surviving. At the time of his death, he was serving as officer of the day for the Post. He was a lifelong
member of the Christian Church. Funeral service will be held Monday at two p.m. at the family residence, N. Main St., Rev.
W.S. Collins officiating. Interment will be in Union Cemetery.
Maney, James enlisted at age 22 Feb 11th 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Martin, James enlisted at age 26 Jan 21st 1865
McCauley, George H. enlisted at age 21 Feb 11th 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
McCormack, James enlisted at age 27 Mar 3rd 1865
McMath, John enlisted at age 34 Feb 1st 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/
Meister, Augustus C. enlisted at age 18 Mar 9th 1865
Melvin, William H. enlisted at age 18 Feb 1st 1865
Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Messenger, Joel enlisted at age 21 Feb 11th 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Myers, William enlisted at age 22 Feb 6th 1865 Mustered
out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Noland, Ira Norris enlisted at age 20 Feb 14th 1865 Mustered out June 2nd 1865 at Camp Dennison,
Ohio; Diarist = Became ill at Camp Chase and was left behind in hospital when the Regt. left for the front,
he left a diary of his day to day experience in the hospital Physician, who married Hattie Tuttle, niece of Elizabeth A. Tuttle.
The Ira Norris Noland material in the collection consist of letters to him, 1863-1865, from relatives and friends, dealing
with family and personal affairs; his license to practice medicine in Ohio, 1896; his certificate of membership in Company
K, 196th regiment, Ohio infantry, in which he served from February 4 to June 2, 1865; his diary, February 25-June 6, 1865;
and an unsigned journal of a trip from Cleveland, Ohio, to Brunswick, Georgia, November 24- December 13, 1908
Otto, Joseph O. enlisted at age 20 Feb 15th 1865 Died
May 3rd 1865 at Camp Chase Ohio and is Buried in Sec M at Green Lawn Cemetery in Columbus Ohio Out, James F. Cpl
Phillips, William F. enlisted at age 21 Jan 31st 1865 Mustered out with Comapny 9/11/1865
Pinney, Isaac enlisted at age 21 Feb 21st 1865 Mustered
out Aug 12th 1865 by order of War Dept
Prentice, Edward H. enlisted at age 18 Feb 10th 1865
Mustered out May 31st 1865 at Camp Chase
Quinn, William F. enlisted at age 22 Feb 21st 1865
Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Riley, James enlisted at age 19 Jan 30th 1865
Ross, Thomas enlisted at age 38 Jan 25th 1865
Sanford, Henry H. enlisted at age 24 Feb 13th 1865
Died Mar 28th 1865 at Columbus, Ohio

James Sharp |
Sharp, James E. enlisted at age 16 Feb 6th 1865 Mustered
out June 2nd 1865 at Camp Dennison, Ohio
Sherman, William E. enlisted at age 18 Feb 11th 1865
Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Sloan, Cassius M. enlisted at age 19 Feb 14th 1865
Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Smith, Albert N.

Alfred M Smith |
Smith, Alfred M. enlisted at age 18 Jan 31st 1865 Mustered
out with Company 9/11/1865
Smith, Elijah J. enlisted at age 18 Feb 22nd 1865 Mustered
out with Company 9/11/1865
Spitler, Noah enlisted
at age 32 Feb 10th 1865 Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Stratton, Charles W. enlisted at age 18 Feb 1st 1865
Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Stratton, Cornelius enlisted at age 29 Jan 17th 1865
Mustered out with Company 9/11/1865
Warren, James W. enlisted at age 18 Feb 12th 1865
Wheeler, Jessee enlisted at age 16 Feb 4th 1865 Mustered
out June 2nd 1865 at Camp Dennison, Ohio by order of War Dept
Willey, James enlisted at age 18 Feb 8th 1865 Mustered
out with Company 9/11/1865
Wilmouth, John E. enlisted at age 22 Feb 21st 1865 Mustered out Company 9/11/1865; WILMOTH, John E-Private Co
K 196th Ohio Infantry; E-21 Feb 1865; D-11 Sep 1865; DS-neuralgia & chronic diarrhea; R-Moscow Oh-listed with Flagg Spring-Gubser
Wilson, James enlisted at age 40 Feb 13th 1865
Wilson, John H. enlisted at age 26 Feb 14th 1865 Mustered out June 2nd 1865 at Camp Dennison
by order of War Dept; NOTE: This must be Henry Willson mentioned in Norris’ diary that stayed behind
with him in the hospital when the 196th left for the front