History of the 196th Ohio Infantry

The 196th Honored Dead

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If anyone would like to contribute information or photos about these soldiers or the regiment, please contact me

James A Crandall Co.A 24 D:Apl 9th 1865 at Camp Chase
James W Finley Co.A 19 D:Apr 9th 1865 at Camp Chase
James F Henry Co.A 27 D:Apr 9th 1865 in Hospital at Parkerburg, WV
Charles S Mcgowen Co.A 17 D:Apr 2nd 1865 at Columbus, Oh
James Winkler Co.A 18 D:Apr 5th 1865 at Camp Chase
Charles F Arnold Co.C 18 D:Apr 17th 1865 at Cumberland, Md
Charles Higgins Co.C 26 D:Apr 4th 1865 at Harper's Ferry
Edwin Thompson Co.C 18 D:Mar 29th 1865 at Camp Chase
Hiram Ewell Co.D 18 D:Apr 27th 1865 at Camp Chase
Lowell Roberts Co.D 20 D:Mar 30th 1865 at Camp Chase
Arnold Shopp Co.D 18 D:Mar 29th 1865 at Camp Chase
Ezekiel J Wolfadle Co. D 18 D:Apr 10th 1865 at Camp Chase
Charles Stark Co.E 18 D:July 15th 1865 at Stephenson's Station
Virgil Coburn Co.E 18 D:Apr 22nd 1865 at Camp Chase
Daniel D Dewey Co.E 22 D:Apr 22nd 1865 in Hospital at Cumberland, Md.
Jerome W Newman Co.E 18 D:Apr 4th 1865 at Camp Chase
Jacob Pennock Co.F 19 D:June 26th 1865 in Hospital at Cumberland, Md.
Walter Evilsizer Co.G 20 D:Apr 27th 1865 at Camp Chase
Julius Flowers Co.G 20 D:Mar 23rd 1865 at Camp Chase
William Watters Co.H 18 D:June 30th 1865 on cars between Stephenson's Station and Harpers Ferry
John Schwab Co.I 18 D:Apr 12th 1865 at Columbus, Oh.
Reuben B Knapp Co.K 35 D:Apr 16th 1865 at Columbus, Oh.
Frank E Barnes Co.K 16 D:May 8th 1865 at Camp Dennison, Cincinati, Oh
Joseph O Otto Co.K 20 D:May 3rd at Columbus, Oh.
Henry H Sanford Co.K 24 D:Mar 28th 1865 at Columbus, Oh.

David Johnson Co.G
17 y/o died 23 April 1865 of Typhoid in Grafton, West Virginia, he's buried in the Grafton National cemetery